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Pastoral Support

The support on offer at Shelley College is second to none.  We have a dedicated sixth form team to ensure students are given a high standard of pastoral care in order to break down barriers to help them achieve in education. The sixth form team consists of: 

Mr P Cowling - Assistant Principal, Head of Sixth Form 

Joining Shelley College in 2012, I work in the post of Assistant Principal Student Progress, Exams and Director of Sixth Form.  In this role I oversee the student monitoring and tracking, helping teachers and Curriculum Leaders identify and target students to help and support.  Working with the Examinations Officer we ensure that internal assessments are purposeful, and prepare students for external assessments.  We ensure that formal external assessments are run in a way that supports all students to concentrate on the exam in order to achieve the best grade they can.  As Director of Sixth Form I work to make sure that all students in Post 16 education are well supported, contribute to the wider school community and are well prepared for their next steps.  I am proud of the amazing staff I work with here at Shelley College.  I enjoy the far-reaching nature of my role, and that it allows me to help many students in their time with us at Shelley College. 

Mrs Z Murphy - Sixth Form Student Manager 


Ms N Stocks  - Careers Advisor


Sixth form tutors meet with students three times a week to guide them from additional courses and run mentoring sessions with students. 

Our school nurse visits each Friday to support students who need additional help. Students can self refer or see Mrs Murphy for a referral. 

As a sixth form we meet all the curriculum leaders on a half-termly basis to discuss the progress of students. 

If students are not progressing as expected we discuss the best way forward for each individual student. This might involve the student being placed on referral to a member of staff in the department who will set specific targets for the student. As well as targets being set for the student a support package will be put in place for the student to help them to achieve. The support sessions may involve extra tutorials outside of normal lesson time, lunchtime sessions as well as providing the student with relevant materials that will guide them outside of the lesson. 


Y12 students register on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Y13 students register on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week.

Monday Momentum
Tuesday Progression Module
Wednesday Booked mentoring meetings with tutor
Thursday Booked mentoring meetings with tutor
Friday Assembly and Industry Talks
Monday Momentum
Tuesday Booked mentoring meetings with tutor
Wednesday Booked mentoring meetings with tutor
Thursday UCAS/EPQ
Friday Assembly and Industry Talks

Tutorial Themes

Sept. - Oct. Progression Module
Nov. - July Progression Module and EPQ
Sept. - Oct. UCAS / CVs
Nov. - Easter EPQ work, 1:1 discussions, target setting & presentations

Our aim is to ensure that we prepare our students not only for their exams, but for life after Shelley College and we believe that this programme will complement the skills that they develop in their chosen subjects.